UGANDA  visit, Dec 2018.

We Visited LIFE MINSTRIES CHRISTIAN CHURCH Kampala in Dec 2018. This was the latest of many visits to our dear friends, who we have known many years now – an apostlic group of churches led by Emmanuel Rucyaba.


On this occasion Jim and I taught trainee leaders Tues – Fri, on Leadership, the book of Ephesians and the differing Eph 4 leadership ministries. What an enthusiastic and receptive group! Drawn from very varied educational abilities, and different tribal and language groups, it makes both teaching and Q and A great fun.
We have been partnering with our friends in their Leadership Training School with a desire to see 100 trained between 2015 and 2020. The graduation was at the end of my second week; a further 32 graduates passed, with a few less able others receiving certificates of attendance. This makes a total of 67 trained and “graduated” elders and church planters since 2015; a great investment from HOPE Church Worcester and the Catalyst family of churches. Before the additional investment from the catalyst Festival Offering we were only able to train about 12 a year.

The graduation came at the culmination of their biannual National Convention, held in the large church school playgrounds. 300 + attended…arriving in groups throughout the first 3 days in true African style!

A great week of vibrant worship, news and preaching! All translated into Lugandan and English with mikes, and then into small subgroup clusters for various tribal languages. Groups were present from 153 churches, some from DR Congo, S Sudan, Rwanda as well as all parts of Uganda. None could make it from Burundi.

As well as seeing the latest work on the school, we also visited the nearly completed hospital and were able to teach in the local base church, as well as the newest of their church plants. (Temporary building pictured below)


It is a great privilege to be working with such a great group of people and to hear news from churches and projects in the surrounding East African nations. In February 2019 we are gathering a small group of apostolic leaders from many East African nations, in Entebbe, to learn together and receive teaching from David Devenish, and others, on the theme of “Servant Leadership” and how it might be expressed in different cultures and communities.

Party with the Poor

The gospel of Jesus really is good news for the poor – the economically poor, the emotionally poor, the oppressed, depressed and the suppressed, the addicted and the afflicted, those considered, by some, to be the last and the least. There is no shortage of “poor” to bring good news to!

When Jesus told stories of His Kingdom, he once spoke of a wonderful banquet. The ruler sends out invites to the great party but disappointingly few were responsive. The great event would be sparsely attended – too many “maybe” and “no” responses.

In a surprise twist for those listening Jesus says that the King then sent out his servants out into the lanes to invite the poor and disadvantaged. They go with a sense of urgency “to compel” people to come. – The response was such that the party is full and vibrant; a great success.

The poor are not just remembered or donated to, though that is a good thing, it is actually the poor who rescue the Kingdom Party! Only with the poor does the kingdom really start rocking!

I am not sure if we have yet grasped what it might look like to be “sent to the poor” as these servants were. What would it be like to experience the same sense of compulsion these servants did? Probably a little bit like the book of Acts, where a remarkable level of care, for those in need, went with, and was connected to, rapid growth. (See Acts 2 v 45 and Acts 4 v 32- 34) A genuine “sending” to the poor, with excellence, determination and consistency was closely connected to the rapid spread of the gospel. (See Acts 6 v 1-7)

What would our churches look like if we responded to King Jesus’ instruction to go to those “living in the hedges” and “compel them to come in”? Scary and challenging though that might be to some – the prize is that it seems as if it is the poor who recue the party!

Ramble through Ruth – Part 4

With thanks to Jonathan Durke for this guest blog.

 Read Ruth 4:1-6

So, Ruth has presented herself to Boaz at the wise and caring recommendation of Naomi. Boaz, in response, has shown concern for Ruth and even gone the extra mile. He sets out to find the relative closer to Naomi than he, so he can honourably give that relative the first opportunity to provide and protect for Naomi and Ruth. We now read of Boaz making his way to the city gate of Bethlehem to sit and wait for his relative to come along. Soon enough he walks by and is called to sit with Boaz along with ten city elders he has gathered, to discuss the matter.

In the ancient Near East, the city gates were where legal transactions would take place. Official business regarding property, law and economics etc. would be processed while the people involved, including the respected elders, would sit and negotiate. So, Boaz explains the entire situation and offers the relative the parcel of land that was Elimelech’s and which now Naomi is selling to make ends meet. The relative thinks this sounds good – he gets more land – but Boaz adds that he must also redeem Ruth. At this the relative rejects the offer. If he took it, it would have adverse effects on his own children and their inheritance. Marrying Ruth would mean producing more children which would take away from his own children’s inheritance.

  • How do you think this made Ruth feel?
  • How does God act differently to us compared with Boaz’s relative to Ruth?



 Read Ruth 4:7-12

The right and responsibility to now redeem Ruth has come to Boaz. Boaz proceeds to make this transaction with love and integrity. He does it properly and with transparency, making sure there are witnesses to the authentic and honest way he has dealt with this matter.

  • Are there any areas in your life (family, business, etc.) in which you think you could be more transparent?
  • Are there areas of your work or private life where there is pressure to NOT live with integrity?

We may never know how the outcomes of our actions will unfold. They could work out differently than we thought, take longer than we anticipated or fall short of our expectations. That can be especially frustrating when we have gone about them with integrity and in a way God is pleased with. However, regardless of the outcome, if we have done it with integrity, that pleases the Lord. He will work out what is best for us and most glorifies him.



Read Ruth 4:13-22

Ruth and Naomi have both received a kind of new identity in and through Boaz and the kindness he extended to them.

Remind you of anyone?

Jesus Christ has redeemed us, just as Boaz did for Ruth. Jesus is our “kinsman redeemer” because He became incarnate as a human being, so He relates and empathises with us.

Jesus, has also given us a new identity, through his life , death and resurrection. Martin Luther, a 16th century German Catholic monk turned Protestant reformer, called this transaction ‘the great exchange’. Christ exchanged His righteousness to us and He received our sin. As Boaz took on himself Ruth’s, poverty, hunger and shameful reputation, he gave her his righteous reputation, home security and bountiful provision.

All Jesus has He has now transferred to us.

The cross was a similar and greater declaration of payment. It was a divine transaction.  We have received new identities as righteous children of God through Jesus’ gracious kindness.

  • How will knowing we have a new identity inform and influence your lives?
  • What does the truth of ‘The Great Exchange’ conjure up in you?



Ruth is now married and bears a child. She is protected, provided for and blessed. Naomi is blessed too, as she nurses her grandchild and has her life restored to her again.

This child of Ruth’s, Obed, will become the father of Jesse, and Jesse will become the father of David. David’s descendants will lead to the birth of Christ and the salvation of the World. (Matthew ch1 lists Ruth as one of Jesus’ ancestors!)

God is always at work, unleashing His plans and purposes to accomplish His desires. We do not know the full fruit that will come from our ministry and decisions….

In conclusion, let’s do the following:

  • Wait in faith that his plans are GOOD!
  • Embrace our new identity, learning who we are ”in Christ” and that all he is, is ours.
  • Believe God for fruitfulness




Ramble through Ruth – Part 3

A further study/discussion blog written largely by Jonathan Durke. Thank you Jonathan.

Read Ruth 3:1-18

As we turn to chapter 3 of this love story we read of Ruth being back home with Naomi after her first encounter with Boaz. It seems safe to assume Ruth told Naomi everything. Naomi’s response? To “seek rest” for her daughter-in-law through a relationship which will provide all the protection and provision she requires.

Naomi arranges a cunning plan with Ruth to help her get noticed by Boaz even more. But this plan requires waiting for the right moment.


  • Can you remember a time in your life when all you wanted to do was get on with something, but knew you had to wait for God’s timing?

The timing of God is important. As much as we may want to move at our own pace, and even attempt to speed the Lord along a little to help Him out, what matters is God’s schedule. We can make all the plans we want, covering every minute detail and making every contingency, but if we speed off without the Lord then we will end up going nowhere without Him. We must learn to wait. We must learn patience and even perseverance.

It is while we wait that our characters are formed. In the heat of frustration, we are shaped and moulded. At times God can even be more concerned for how we wait rather than what we are waiting for. He is interested in the process as well as the result. We must learn not to do what we want at any time but learn to be ready for the Lord at any time.

Learning to wait is not a waste of time. We can wait ON God as well as for Him. Joyce Meyer writes “I end up spending much more time in my life waiting than I do receiving. So I decided to learn to enjoy the waiting time, not just the receiving time. We need to learn to enjoy where we are while we are on the way to where we are going”

  • -Share what may have helped you to be patient and wait for God? – What might you have learnt from times when God’s asked you to be patient and wait for Him?


Ruth was a hard worker. She applied herself and was diligent in her labour. From morning until evening Ruth would graft to provide for her relative and herself. For her and Naomi it was a matter of life or death. Work is a great privilege and opportunity to both serve and receive the fruits of our labour but also to serve and give to others. –

Being as honest as you can, how do you feel about your work? Similarly to what we observed above, there can be times in our careers when we have to wait on God. We feel  all we are doing is enduring our paperwork, juggling our children, persevering in being away from home for long trips. Yet, our work can be life or death to our souls. As difficult as a job might be, usually our attitude towards it can be what is making it more difficult. Work hard, apply yourself, be diligent, take responsibility and endeavour to labour to the best of your ability.

Change your mindset and renew your mind with the truth that God’s grace is there for you every morning. Knowing he is with you in the office, classroom or play area can transform your attitude. The old adage is true, do your best and let God do the rest.

  • How might relying on God’s presence and believing in His grace help change your attitude to work?

Ruth 3:6-18

Ruth goes out to the fields, as directed by Naomi, and after Boaz has eaten his meal and lain down to sleep, Ruth uncovers his feet and lies down beside them. The laying at his feet was a cultural symbol, thought to indicate servanthood, respect and dependency, although not entirely understood by anyone today. There is no hint of behaving inappropriately.


Ruth was humbly submitting to Boaz and presenting herself in the hope of help. This is a beautiful illustration of how we should approach the Lord Jesus. With humility, respect, honour and hope for help. We should come to Lord with big requests as well as small because He cares for us.

  • Do you find it difficult to come before God with requests, expecting Him to answer? If not, why – let’s encourage each other…

Boaz wakes up at midnight startled and quickly questions Ruth. Ruth identifies herself and responds with pleading for help in her and Naomi’s desperate situation. Ruth actually asks that Boaz “spread his wings” over her. She is asking for his protection and provision. She is looking for his support and care.

Boaz responds by granting her request. – More often than we acknowledge openly, we can feel lonely and isolated. We can feel vulnerable and weak in many situations in life.

  • How might remembering that the Lord protects, provides, supports and cares for us help? Where can we turn to remind ourselves of his help?

It is good to be authentic with God. Be genuine in your relationship with Him. He wants to hear all about our situations, regardless of problems, emotions, mistakes, disappointments or sins.

Ruth stays the night at the feet of Boaz after he agrees to check that a closer relative will accept being her kinsmen redeemer. (A legal family guardian) – She then returns home where Naomi shrewdly advises they see how the matter unfolds…. The story continues… with a bit more waiting!




Ramble through Ruth – Part 2

Thanks again to Jonathan Durke for this guest blog: part 2 of a study guide alongside a series on the book of Ruth.

Read Ruth 2:1-13

Naomi and Ruth have now returned to Bethlehem and have arrived at the time of the barley harvest. However, the two ladies have returned empty. They are empty of a home, empty of relatives and particularly empty of food. They were poor widows.

Yet, emptiness is healthy and helpful when it is God who does the emptying. As we shall see later in the story, it is God’s providence that has caused Naomi and Ruth to be emptied because He is about to do something remarkable in their lives.

  • Reflect on a time when the Lord has emptied you or has permitted a seemingly bad situation but, on reflection, was His sovereign working in your life.

When the Lord is emptying you do not resist Him but embrace His activity in your life.

God does not empty us for no reason. He empties us so He can place something else within us. God is about to fill their lives with good things .

The barley harvest was a significant time for the Israelites. It was the time just of the Passover Festival – where Israel remembered their exodus from Egypt, when the Lord passed over their firstborn to kill the firstborn Egyptians and rescue them from slavery.

  • Can someone remember and explain the key command God gave them for that night so He would pass over them?
  • Discuss how is this event is an image of the Gospel?

As the Israelites were provided a redeemer for their children, a lamb, so Ruth now meets her redeemer in the form of Naomi’s relative Boaz. He was a relative of Elimelech, Naomi’s now dead husband.

Read Ruth 2:14-23

Ruth asked her elderly mother in law Naomi if she could go to the field to glean (pick up) the ears of grain, which was a right for those who were poor. Ruth begins to glean and just so happens to be working in Boaz’s field. Then Boaz appears, greets his reapers and comes across Ruth. He engages her in conversation.

As Boaz and Ruth talk we can begin seeing her trust in the Lord blossoming.

  • Which verse might indicate Ruth growing faith in God and why?

Perhaps Ruth being in the fields of a foreign land, with alien people and conversing with a stranger was a difficult place to be in. Yet, in spite of all the change going on in her life and the hard circumstances, it was the right place. The best and safest place to be is where God wants you to be.

  • Share a time that appeared difficult but on reflection you knew to be where God wanted you. Share why God may have wanted you there.

Aside from the core relationship in this narrative between Ruth and Boaz, let us look briefly again at the other key relationship in this story, Ruth and Naomi. These two had a remarkable friendship. They cared for each other. When leaving Moab, Naomi gave Ruth the opportunity to go back to her family and be protected and provided for. In Bethlehem, Ruth took the initiative to go out and work hard to provide for and protect Naomi. Ruth resolved to be dedicated in every way to Naomi all the days of her life. They had a culture of honour and respect towards each other.

  • How might this kind of honour, respect and dedication be reflected to each other in our church family today?
  • What would it be like for a single, foreign woman to go into the harvest field?

There is another relationship we can glean from the book of Ruth that may go unnoticed to our modern eyes. It is the relationship between the Church and the poor. The activity Ruth was engaged in as she gleaned from the fields was an activity instituted by God in the Law.  Land owners were instructed to not glean the entirety of their property but to leave the edges alone. This was so that the foreign, poor and destitute might be able to glean, eat and not die in their poverty.

In New Testament times the early Christians, though not all Jewish, were instructed to continue with this principle. (See Galatians 2 v 10)

  • How can you in your church continue to remember the poor?

The account of Ruth includes statements such, ‘as it turned out’ and ‘as it happened.’ This symbolizes the fact that nothing which occurred was manipulated by Ruth or part of a grand and intricate strategy. Instead, God guides her as she takes steps. The truth is we really know very little of what the Lord is doing all the time around us. While we are walking the path, the Lord is directing our footsteps and clearing the way. (See Proverbs 3 v 5 – 6)

  • Are there areas where you are just having to trust God? … that he is, or will, work things out?

Ruth was prepared to work hard while God was working on her behalf. It is the comforting and inspiring revelation that God is sovereign and we are responsible.

Returning to Ruth and Boaz’s interaction, it is here that we see what Boaz is really like, or rather who Boaz is really like…Jesus Christ. Boaz foreshadowed what Jesus would do for us. Let us briefly observe from Scripture how Boaz reflects Jesus.

V.5 – Boaz noticed Ruth straight away. Jesus notices us all the time.

V.14 – Boaz provides for Ruth. Jesus provides all we need.

V.15 – Boaz protects Ruth. Jesus protects us by His mercy.

Boaz shows Ruth grace. v 10 “Why have I found such favour in your eyes?” Jesus showed us “favour” or “grace” – the undeserved kindness of God!

As true a reflection as all this was, all pictures fall short of the reality of Christ. Nothing is better than the real thing!

Boaz was what was called a “kinsmen or guardian redeemer”. (For more details on this law – see Leviticus 25:23-55)


  • Care, protect and love each other as Ruth did for Naomi, Boaz did for Ruth and Christ has for you.
  • Show respect to those who are older and those who have come from another culture.
  • Remember the poor
  • Trust Jesus as your redeemer who has knows us, provides, protects and shows grace to us.

Ramble through Ruth – Part 1

Thank you to Jonathan Durke for this guest blog: a study guide to go with a teaching series on the book of RUTH.

Read Ruth 1:1-22

Setting The Scene:

The Book of Ruth is set against the historical backdrop of the Judges. The period of the Judges was a time when men and women were raised up, one after another, to judge the nation of Israel because they had abandoned God for other idols.

Usually these same Judges would lead Israel into battle against the pagan nation that had invaded and enslaved them. They would be victorious and their land would enjoy a time of peace for many years. However, before long Israel would do what was evil in the sight of God, disobey Him, be judged, repent, do battle, win, enjoy peace and, sadly, repeat the cycle all over again!

  • Read Judges 2:16-19 for a concise summary of the times of the Judges.

It was a time when everybody did ‘whatever seemed right in their own eyes’ (Judges 21:25). There was no central authority, no king or prophet to lead; there was no unity, each tribe lived in their own land and did their own thing, and there was chaos.

  • Discuss what life would look like today in Britain and your own neighbourhood if everyone did whatever seemed right in their eyes.

Beware of drifting:

Read Ruth 1:1-5

 A famine occurred in Israel and a man called Elimelek uprooted his family and emigrated from Bethlehem in Judah, where they lived, to Moab, a Gentile country outside of Israel. He took Naomi his wife, Mahlon and Kilion, his two sons, with him.

In Hebrew, Bethlehem means “house of bread”. Ironically, the house of plenty is now empty and has forced this family to go elsewhere. Although they were beleivers in God, their children had Canaanite pagan names, Mahlon means “sickly” and Kilion means “Pining or wasting away”.

After Elimelek’s family settled in Moab, he sadly passed away. His two sons then married Moabite women, one name Orpah and the other Ruth. Marrying Gentile (non-Jewish) people was forbidden in the Old Testament Law because it threatened the covenant relationship between the Israelites and Yahweh.

It appears that this family started in faith, with a privileged heritage, but began to drift away. They left the land of promise, distanced themselves from God’s presence at the Tabernacle, and they entered into an unholy land with unholy relationships.

  • Reflect upon your own life, when and why did you drift away from the Lord?
  • When you’ve fell on hard times why can it be so easy to drift away from God?


How can we ensure we stay on track and do not drift away for our faithful Provider, the Lord? Let’s look…

Stick With What God Has Promised:

Elimelek had led his family out of the promised land. Israel was a country made up of 12 tribes who were the 12 sons of Jacob. Jacob was a Patriarch and founder of Israel, and he was the son of Isaac and Isaac was the son of Abraham, also founders of Israel. It was to these three men that God had made a promise. More than that, God has committed to a covenant with them and their descendents. God has sworn by Himself to make these patriarch‘s descendants numerous and for them to inherit a land He would give them.

God honoured His covenant promise and brought Israel together and to a land flowing with milk and honey. He helped them do this in spite of their slavery in Egypt and their wilderness wanderings which included hunger, thirst, wars, complaining and lots of unbelief.

Now, Elimelek has left his ancestoral inheritance. He has taken his family away from the presence and provision of God.

  • Should Elimelek have left Israel and wisely sought sustenance elsewhere or should he have stayed and trusted God to provide?
  • Discuss what you think a godly balance of practical wisdom and faithfulness to God looks like.

Sometimes, instead of sticking to what God has promised we can get stuck with what the World offers. Or, we can find ourselves stuck in our situations and only looking at our problems instead of seeing past them to the God who promises provision and deliverance.

When we get tunnel vision and only see obstacles, we can get frustrated, angry or fearful. When this happens we can easily make bad decisions. Elimelek made a bad decision to leave the Promised Land and allow his family to marry Gentiles.

However, what we can learn from Elimelek’s mistake is to trust God’s promises and trust His timings.

How can we ensure we stay on track and do not drift away? By trusting both God’s promises and timings inspite of our circumstances.

God Brings us to Decision Points:

Read Ruth 1:6-5

After Elimelek and his two sons pass away, Naomi hears that the Lord has provided food and so decides to leave Moab and return to Bethlehem.

Noami tells her daughters-in-law, Orpah and Ruth, to return to their mother’s homes in Moab. Noami makes them both aware of the apparent lack they’ll experience if they follow her. They have no husbands, no work and Naomi can‘t provide for them. She wants to give them all the possibilities. Now the daughters-in-law have to make a decision.

  • When you’ve faced a big decision, how have you approached it?

Orpah ended up turning back, but Ruth refused and devoted herself to Naomi, her people and her God.

 In Hebrew, the name Ruth means commitment. Ruth stayed and obeyed. When God brings you to decision points, don’t turn from what He calls you to.

How can we ensure we stay on track and do not drift away? By devoting ourselves to God and obeying Him.

Set a Course of Commitment:

Read Ruth 1:16-22

Verse 16 is a remarkable response from Ruth to Naomi and drastically different to Orpah’s response of leaving. Ruth radically commits herself to Naomi, going where she goes, staying where she stays, engaging with who she engages with, believing what she believes, and even dying where she dies.

This demonstrates great commitment.

  • Be as honest as you can and reflect together on whether Ruth’s commitment to Naomi could be said of your commitment to Jesus.
  • If not, why not and discuss how you could grow in your devotion?

Be encouraged to set a course of commitment to Christ. Be devoted to Him and His Gospel. Resolve to faithfully connect with your local church, your brothers and sisters in the Faith and most of all with God. This last part can be helped with regular Bible reading, prayer, reflection, worship, listening to sermons, creativity, etc.

How can we ensure we stay on track and do not drift away? By committing ourselves to God and engaging with Him.


 Beware of drifting from God, but,, if and when you do, remember:

  • Stick with what God Has promised by trusting His promises and timings.
  • When God brings you to decision points devote yourself to Him and obey Him.
  • Set a course of committment by engaging with Him.






Uganda and Rwanda, March 2018.

What a privilege it has been to live, and learn, with the people of Swe-Swe, near Keyenjojo, in western Uganda this last fortnight.

It’s an incredibly beautiful place and I thoroughly enjoyed sharing the teaching, and great friendship, with Emmanuel Rucyaba, who leads a large family of churches in Uganda and the surrounding nations.

After our time in the west we returned to enjoy the luxuries of loo seats, piped water and electricity for the weekend, with great friends in Kampala. Once a visitor in Gnamongo, now I genuinely feel part of the church family there.

We also took time to view the temporary church building that HOPE Worcester financed in Seeta, just outside Kampala,where the latest church plant has just started to meet.

Next we took an 8 hour coach journey through the night to Kigali, Rwanda, for a leaders training conference there. We arrived to news that the government had closed 1,000 churches demanding better car parks and soundproofing – European standards that are beyond some of the poorer congregations. Not to be seen as biased the government were also banning the use of loudspeakers from mosques!

(Rwanda has a very strong, centralised government, which has brought stability to the country, but which does not tolerate questioning!) – It was really great to be able to encourage the leaders during what is an uncertain time for some.

Rwanda is an absolutely beautiful country – “the land of a thousand hills” and I thoroughly enjoyed making stronger friendships and teaching there. An amusing highlight was learning to say thank you in a number of African languages and then teaching them to say thank you in Welsh!

Ten leaders from D.R. Congo had made the journey for the conference so it was great to make new friends and receive an invitation to go there in due course.

Sponsorship from HOPE and the Catalyst group of churches has made this training gathering possible along with an on-going leaders training course. Money well spent!

Finance permitting I hope to return to Uganda in December, for their National convention and we are planning an East African key leaders conference for 2019.


Thanks to a great team of volunteers the Granary is now stripped to it’s bare bones!

This has shown us both that we have a huge challenge before us,  and that it’s a beautiful building with great and exciting potential!

This June we had our first ever meeting on the top floor overlooking the city – yes, we did do a risk assessment, no it doesn’t have glass in the windows yet, and, yes it was breezy!

Our building team have obtained a license to put up scaffolding for one year from work commencing. We now have water connected, electricity, drains and a loo for builders – we even have an address, which was, strangely, a rather difficult thing to get!

The “tender package” is being put together by our architects and engineers – which has been a terribly slow process – When we have all the drawings and calculations we can then give it all to builders and ask for quotes for our first phase of building.

Thanks for all the interest shown so far and for your kind thoughts, prayers and suggestions.

If you would like to invest in this project private message me, or send to HOPE, P.O. Box 230, Worcester. WR5 3ZE.  U.K.


The story so far…

Three years ago we were searching for a building, pushing at closed doors believing one would open.
More than two years ago we found The Granary, a four storey Victorian warehouse building in the centre of our city. We made an offer just before Christmas.

In Jan 2015 our offer was accepted, the start of a long and very complex legal process which ended in our purchase completing in August 2016.
In the last 2 years our smallish church has managed to buy the property outright and, additionally, given almost £250,000 towards it’s development…(not to mention ALSO paying engineers, architects, surveyors and solicitors)  Amazing generosity!


Meanwhile, on site, we have been working hard: carefully stripping out all the accumulated heavy rubbish, getting test holes drilled and obtaining engineers reports on existing foundations, to see how deep the piles must go for the new glass extension.


This month we have completed detailed drawings and submitted them to the council for planning… We are, obviously, hoping and praying for a favourable decision in the new year

Our aim in the next phase is to insulate and re-roof, supply services and complete the glass extension, with staircases and lift. (See previous Granary article for pictures).

If you are able to pray for us or encourage us in any way – thank you!

If you would also like to invest in this community project send to Hope Church, PO Box 230, Worcester. WR5 3ZE. U.K.

or email